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Payment Providers

Varyshop supports a multitude of online payment providers for your website, allowing your customers to pay with their preferred payment methods.

See also:


To set up payment providers on the eCommerce app, go to Website > Configuration > Payment Providers. From here, "Activate" the payment providers you wish to have available on your shop, and configure them according to your needs.

Alternatively, you can access payment providers via Website > Configuration > Settings. In the "Shop - Payment" section, you can "Configure SEPA Direct Debit" if you wish to use it, as well as "View other providers". If you use the "" payment provider, the Payment Capture Method can be configured in that same menu.

If you are using PayPal, you can also enable and configure it here.

Checkout Payment Options

Once activated, customers can choose the payment provider of their choice during the checkout process, at the "Confirm Order" step.

Payment provider selection at checkout

eWallets and Gift Cards

When checking out, customers can pay with an eWallet or gift cards. To enable these, go to Website > Configuration > Settings, and in the "Shop-Products" section, enable "Discounts, Loyalty & Gift Card".

Once enabled, customers can enter their gift card code or pay with their eWallet at the checkout step.

Enter gift card code to process checkout

See also: eWallets and Gift Cards Documentation